
Pratchett watch
Pratchett watch

pratchett watch

But she did say I was getting overconfident and would benefit from some advanced field work." Have you been rude to Miss Band lately? Upset her in any way?"

pratchett watch

"I say, these bricks really are jolly tricky, aren't they?" "Miss Band sent me as an exercise," said Jocasta. Vimes knew this, because he'd spent several hours one afternoon carefully arranging that this should be so. Her patient struggles had brought her to the edge of the pit, and now she was finding that the brickwork was in very good repair, quite slippery, and offered no handholds. They're not accepting contracts on you at present." "The Guild council put it in abeyance, sir," said the patient swimmer. "Not a contract, sir," said Jocasta, still paddling. "You're a bit young to be sent on this contract, aren't you?" said Vimes. He asked to be remembered to you," said Jocasta. It wasn't entirely unexpected - the Assassins' Guild was aware that women were at least equal to their brothers when it came to inventive killing - but it nevertheless changed the situation somewhat. The voice was higher pitched that Vimes expected and he realized that, most unusually, the young man in the pit was in fact a young woman. "Good morning, Your Grace," said the industrious treadler. The fall from the shed roof had broken the crust. It probably wouldn't be a good idea to employ a naked flame any nearer to the pit. Vimes stood back a little way and lit a cigar. And in the old cesspit behind the gardener's shed, a young man was treading water. The sky was hazy though, and thunderheads on the horizon threatened rain later.

pratchett watch

Birds sang in the trees, bees buzzed in the blossom. Then he put his jacket on and strolled out into the wonderful late spring morning. Dimensions: 6.70in - 4.20in - 1.20in - 0.Sam Vimes sighed when he heard the scream, but he finished shaving before he did anything about it.Plus there's a chance to steer a novice watchman straight and teach him a valuable thing or three about policing-an impressionable young copper named Sam Vimes. Sam Vimes knows his duty, and by changing history he might just save some worthwhile necks-though it could cost him his own personal future. And on top of that-it's the eve of a fabled street rebellion that killed a few good (and not so good) men. Worse still, the murderer he's pursuing has been transported back with him. This Discworld is a dark place that Vimes remembers all too well-three decades before his title, fortune, beloved wife, and child on the way. The next, he's lying naked in the street, having been sent back thirty years, courtesy of a group of time-manipulating monks who won't leave well-enough alone. One moment Sir Sam Vimes is in his old-patrolman form, chasing a sweet-talking psychopath across the rooftops of Ankh-Morpork. Sir Sam Vimes gets knocked back in time thirty years in this rollicking adventure in Terry Pratchett's bestselling Discworld(R) series

Pratchett watch