Reality is we want the hips to turn all the around this way facing fully to target. So we see a lot of golfers as they hit through, the hips don’t turn towards target enough, they stay facing pretty much where the ball was. So if we look at a restricted follow through, why it might happen.įor a lot of people a restricted follow through is caused by not being very dynamic with the hips, something quite restricted with the hips. So your full follow through should be as far around as you feel you can reach in a balanced position and a consistently balanced position always standing here, always looking down to the hole. And that’s obviously what we want the club to do. But if you know your club is going to go all the way round to here, the club won’t start slowing down until well after the golf ball. So as you are coming into the ball, if you know that your follow through would stop here in a restricted fashion, chances are that club started slowing down before it hits the ball. That might be true in – instead of reality but actually for what most golfers do in their own game, is when they are coming into impact, their body is preparing for what it’s going to do here in the follow through before they actually hit the ball. But when it comes to our own game, a lot of golfers work on the idea that once they’ve hit the ball, they can pretty much do whatever they want because the ball is already gone. We maybe all have this classic example of Tiger Woods in our head, of you know the way he stands there steering down the balls it lands nicely on the green. One area that I think a lot of golfers misunderstand the importance of, is this follow through position through the ball. Causes And Cures Of Restricted Follow Through Golf Swing Tip (Video) - by Pete Styles